Pictures of the Fire and the Rebuilding

The first group of pictures is some of the ones I took when I arrived home in the evening on March 23rd, the day IT happened. Actually part of the reason for taking them was to see what it looked like. Because it was getting dark when I got there and there was no electricity, it was impossible to see anything inside. But I could take flash pictures and then look at the display of the camera to see what I had taken a picture of.
The second group were taken Sunday, June 11. The house has been stripped bare inside to expose all the wood and then coated with something which will keep it from smelling.
The third group was taken a week later, Monday, June 19. Most of the windows are in and the insulation has been put in. It really makes a difference. It looks more as if something has really been done.
The next group has a few pictures I took on Saturday, July 1. Almost all the wall-boarding is done and they say they will have the mudding done in another week. Then there wasn't much to show again until the 23rd of July when they finally started painting.
Then one more week and the wallpaper and cabinets are shown. They also have hung the doors, are getting ready to put in the moldings and most of the wiring is complete.

March 23 & 24

June 11

June 19

July 1 and July 23

July 29