Mary E. Sayre

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Procedures Documented for an Intranet

As my resume states, in one of my positions I introduced the concept of using HTML tools for in-house on-line documentation of procedures. The link below will take you to a sample of the pages I designed and maintained to document common database maintenance procedures.

The Web as a Sales Tool

One of the things I do somewhat regularly is assemble the data for items to be sold on eBay. The photos may be provided by the seller or I may take them myself. I have two basic formats in which to display the items.

The Web as a Family Communication Tool

A few years ago our home was destroyed by fire. Our children had scattered to many parts of the world and most of them were unable to return to see what had happened to their childhood home. On the evening of the fire we were able to enter the house but with no lights could not see much. I took pictures with my digital camera so that I could see in the display the extent of the damage.
These pictures became the beginning of a web site documenting the devastation that faced us that first evening and the rebuilding as it progressed. In this way our children could see for themselves what was happening even if they were unable to be here in person.

Community Service

The Nashua Community Concert Association has a web page hosted as a Special Guest by Gran-Net Communications. The original design of the pages is not mine, but for the last few years I have taken the responsibility for updates and enhancements to the pages.